Kia Nail to resume full-time pitching next week...throw 40-50 pitches to prepare for KS

Kia Nail to resume full-time pitching next week...throw 40-50 pitches to prepare for KS

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James Nail, 31, a foreign pitcher for the Kia Tigers of the Korean Baseball Organization (KBO), will start throwing pitches in earnest next week as he aims for the Korean Series (KS) after recovering from an injury nightmare.

“I'm going to throw 40 to 50 pitches next week,” Nail told Yonhap News Agency on Sept. 19, explaining that he will throw two 20-pitch sessions on the mound.

Nail, who underwent surgery to fix his jaw joint after being hit in the jaw by a pitch from NC Dinos' Matt Davidson on April 24, threw for the first time from the bullpen at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on April 19, four weeks after the injury.

“It felt good, it felt comfortable,” said Nail, who threw 10 pitches that day, ”and I'm going to try to increase my pitch count to 75 to 80 pitches next week.”

Many KIA fans sent messages of support to Nail, who had to drop out of the regular season due to an unfortunate injury.

After removing the brace from his jaw and being able to move his body freely, Nail decided to repay the fans for their support and made a surprise appearance as a starter in a home game against the Kiwoom Heroes on March 6.

He later accompanied the team and shared his joy with his teammates on the 17th, when KIA clinched their first Korean Series berth in seven years.

“I broke my jaw joint bone when I was hit by a pitch, 카지노사이트 so I still have no feeling in my jaw and lips,” Nail said, ”but the condition in my mouth is fine and I don't have any pain. I can train and throw the ball freely, so there is no problem. I will do my best to help the team in the Korean Series,” he said.

“I still have to be careful when I eat (so as not to strain my jaw), but it's not a big deal, and I eat slower than before,” said Nail, who had about a month to recover after Kia's run to the Korean Series.

“I've been hit in the legs and other parts of my body before, but this was the first time I've ever been hit by a pitch that came close to my head, so it was pretty scary,” Nail said of being hit.

For Nail, the biggest challenge of getting back on the mound is overcoming fear.

“I try not to think about the scary moment as much as possible,” he says, ”I'm preparing for my comeback with the mindset that it's the same game I've always played, and I want to play for another 31 years without getting hit in the face by a pitch.”

“I don't ever want to be in a situation again where I can't get on the mound and do my best because I'm afraid,” he said, vowing to overcome his fears. The key to rehabilitation after surgery, he said, is the mental aspect of letting go of the fear of injury.

“It was an offer from the club to accompany the team on the trip, and I'm very grateful for that. I wanted to be with my teammates,” he said, adding, ”I didn't even tell them I wanted to travel with them, but they wanted me to come and be part of the team.”

“I don't think we won the regular season just because of luck,” he said, adding, ”We deserved to win the regular season because we worked hard all year and won a lot of games.”

“I've won a championship in the minor leagues, but it wasn't as cool as this,” he said. ”It was really special to see the joy on the faces of the young players who had never won a championship before, and to see them celebrate with veterans like Yang Hyun-jong and Choi Hyung-woo.”


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